And To Think That My Long Time Career Is Complete

hatI have long been a fan of Dr. Seuss so that is probably why some quotes from his writings come to mind today – my last day as Director of Marketing and Business Development at United Real Estate Solutions. I have been planning this for many months and am super excited. Yet, I have to admit that, when it came right down to saying goodbye, it almost broke my heart. But…

It is true that, after a several week vacation, I will be back in the office on a temporary, part-time basis. I have agreed to assume a sort of consultant, project manager type role for awhile, but, from this point on, since I walked out that door this afternoon, I will never again be joined at the hip to the day to day operations of this company. Hard to wrap my head around that. It is crazy how a career can come to define you. It is what I have done for, what feels like, forever. It is the stock answer to the question, “what do you do?” I am Director of Marketing & Business Development at United Real Estate Solutions. Or, wait. No, I’m not. Not any more. But, for some reason, I can’t bring myself to say “I’m retired.” That has a different connotation to it. It is NOT what I do. It is not what defines me. That is why I decided months ago to work on redefining retirement in my mind. Problem is, I haven’t managed to do that yet.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.                                           You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”      Dr. Seuss

I love that. And, I have truly embraced that mentality. I have researched stories of others who have reinvented their lives…there are any number of blogs out there which tell those tales  I, of course, am leaning toward the writer end of the spectrum. I am the only person I know who, way back in elementary school, loved it when we were given an assignment to write a story or a poem. Goofy kid. But, I have always loved to write. That is still on my radar screen. HOWEVER, “keeping my options open” is, for now, leading me back to the corporate world.

In the meantime, however, I am compiling a list of books that I’ve heard are excellent resources for those who desire to write. So far, I have on my list:

Bird by Bird – Anne LaMott

On Writing – Stephen King

On Writing Well – William Zinser

Stein on Writing – Sol Stein

and, of course

The Elements of Style – Wm. Strunk & E. B. White

If you know of other good ones, please let me know.

So, that’s it. I’ve walked out the door to the end of an era. It is now officially the first day of the rest of my life. Right now, I’m really, really looking forward to spending some time with family. After that (and a short stint as whatever it is that I’m going to be doing at United) remains to be seen.

“You’re on your own. And you know what you know.                                                        And you are the one who’ll decide where to go. ”        Dr. Seuss

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day.                                                                 Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!”      Dr. Seuss

Thank you, Kevin McManamy and all of the other people I have come to love so much at United. It’s been a great ride.


3 thoughts on “And To Think That My Long Time Career Is Complete

  1. Love it and even though I am so much younger than you, take it from me and don’t let your career define who you are or were. Now is the time to make it all about you! And I am continually amazed at how you remember quotations from books which tells me you were born to write. The best is yet to come! And if you do happen to write about our early childhood, I’m sure we’ll laugh along with everyone else. Maybe just don’t use the Bogart name! 🙂

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